Théâtre de l'Espérance

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Website Peter Liechti

Retrospektive Stadtkino Basel 1.-31. Mai 2006

ISAN: 0000-0000-8A6D-0000-U-0000-0000-L

Théâtre de l'Espérance
CH 1987 19'

Director: Peter Liechti
Script: Peter Liechti
Camera: Clemens Steiger
Sound: Florian Eidenbenz
Editing:: Peter Liechti
Music:: Sun Ra, Elvis Presley
With: Roman Signer

Peter Liechti 1987 19'

These days, such topics as world peace, armament and disarmament have become timeworn, rendering the pictures seen on television and in newspapers commonplace. Fully aware of this fact, I set out - not without zeal - to bring forward once again the well-worn images of the summit talks between Reagan and Gorbachev in Geneva.
The film is a reproduction of the days during the summit and rendered, in fact, as exactly as possible as the images, still wonderfully vivid, had been engraved into my memory. I gathered the pictures for the film, on the one hand, as an onlooker in Geneva and, on the other hand, by processing the old television footage.
Roman Signer contributed to the coverage of the story, by providing the refrain and commentary, as well as by breathing new life into it.