Epsteins Nacht

Pass:Epsteins Nacht
1080p,720p,540p Deutsch UT -

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artfilm.pass 1
für 1 Tag 5 CHF
artfilm.pass 30
für 30 Tage 12 CHF
artfilm.pass 365
für 365 Tag 80 CHF


ISAN: 0000-0000-2C03-0000-B-0000-0000-4

Göteborg 2003
Solothurn 2003

Epsteins Nacht
DE/CH/AT 2001 83'

Regie: Urs Egger
Kamera: Lukas Strebel
Kostüme: Birgit Hutter
Produktion: Samir, Dschoint Ventschr, Constantin Film, Filmhaus Wien
Mit: Mario Adorf, Bruno Ganz, Günther Lamprecht

Urs Egger 2001 83'

Berlin 1985. Reluctantly, the Jewish scrap iron dealer Epstein and his friend Adam Rose accompany their cook's little daughter to a Catholic Christmas service. To their horror, the old people recognise their SS tormentor from the concentration camp in the priest. But the confrontation turns out differently than expected. The unravelling of the past suddenly threatens to destroy the old people's friendship.