San Gottardo

Pass:San Gottardo (I)
720p,540p Italiano,Français ST Italiano
Pass:San Gottardo (F)
720p,540p Italiano,Français ST Français
Pass:San Gottardo (D)
720p,540p Italiano,Français ST Deutsch

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ISAN: 0000-0000-E224-0000-U-0000-0000-L

Villi Hermann 1977 90'

A film about emigration, the exodus brought about by the construction of the two tunnels – the railway tunnel (1872-1882) and the road tunnel (1969-1976). People migrated from one country to another, from one civilisation to another, and different social mores and customs were confronted with one another. The film takes place between the unveiling of two monuments: it begins with the unveiling of the monument dedicated to the tunnel workers in Airolo, and it ends with the unveiling of the Escher monument on Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse. In between the two unveilings, the film depicts the essence of that which lay behind the veiling cloth.