Die schwarzen Brüder

Pass:Die Schwarzen Brüder (F)
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Pass:Die Schwarzen Brüder (E)
1080p,720p,540p Deutsch ST English

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ISAN: 0000-0003-ABEE-0000-G-0000-0000-Q

Swiss Film Award, Best Cinematography 2014
Swiss Film Award, Best Performance in a Supporting Role
Kiev Molodist 2014, Winner Molodist For Kids
Beijing 2014
Solothurner Filmtage 2014
Zürich 2013

Die schwarzen Brüder
DE/CH 2013 98'

Director: Xavier Koller
Script: Klaus Richter, Fritjof Hohagen
Camera: Felix von Muralt
Sound: Max Wanko, Stefan Korte, Andreas Wölkli
Art direction:: Franz Bollinger
Editing:: Gion-Reto Killias
Music:: Balz Bachmann
Production:: Fritjof Hohagen, Clarens Grollmann, Karin Koch, Rainer Kölmel, Wasiliki Blesser, Wolfgang Herold, Stephan O. Hansch, Alexander Loskant, Enigma Film, Dschoint Ventschr, Starhaus Filmproduktion, Herold Productions
With: Fynn Henkel, Oliver Ewy, Ruby O. Fee, Waldemar Cobus, Catrin Striebeck, Leonardo Nigro, Sabine Timoteo, Margherita Schoch, Richi Müller, Javidan Imani, Andreas Warnbrunn, Ivo-Imanuel Kortlang

Xavier Koller 2013 98'

Up to the middle of the 19th century poor Alpine farmers in Ticino sold their children as chimney sweeps in Milan. This is also the fate of the young Giorgio. He has to climb up and down dark chimneys, scraping away the soot with his bare hands. But he doesn’t give up: with his fellow victims, he forms the community of “Black Brothers.” They unite and defend themselves against the abject conditions and the attacks of bands of street urchins in Milan. The film tells the adventurous story of the young chimney sweeps and their spectacular escape back to Switzerland.