Breath Made Visible

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720p,540p English ST Français

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Website Anna Halprin

Son direct rencontre Semaine de la Critique Locarno


See also:
Interview Ruedi Gerber (video)

ISAN: 0000-0002-3B69-0000-M-0000-0000-8

Semaine de la Critique Locarno 2009

Breath Made Visible
CH 2009 80'

Director: Ruedi Gerber
Script: Ruedi Gerber
Camera: Ruedi Gerber, Adam Teichman
Sound: Margaret Crimmins, Tony Volante
Editing:: Françoise Dumoulin
Music:: Mario Grigorov
Production:: Zas Film AG

Ruedi Gerber 2009 80'

Since seven decades Anna Halprin (*1920), a pioneer of dance from the US, in her work and performances searches for answers to the question: How can we closely link life and dance? Her work has influenced experimental Postmodern Dance in a decisive way. The film combines recent interviews with excerpts from Halprin's performances through time: from her early work to her tours in Europe, her retreat caused by cancer, to her comeback with a solo performance in New York at the age of 86 we participate in Halprin's itinerary – and experience the rise of dance as art and as a form of enjoying life!