Die Demokratie ist los!

Pass:Die Demokratie ist los! (CH)
720p,540p Deutsch,Français UT Deutsch
Pass:Die Demokratie ist los! (D)
720p,540p Deutsch,Français UT Deutsch
Pass:Die Demokratie ist los! (F)
720p,540p Deutsch,Français UT Français

Unsere Filme im Streaming anschauen (Flat rate):

artfilm.pass 1
für 1 Tag 5 CHF
artfilm.pass 30
für 30 Tage 12 CHF
artfilm.pass 365
für 365 Tag 80 CHF


ISAN: 0000-0003-A8B0-0000-V-0000-0000-I

Thomas Isler 2015 84'

On the right fringes of the political landscape, ever-louder anti-European, anti-Islamic and nationalist voices can be heard. These are mingled with the praises of a country that has supposedly done everything right: Switzerland, and its direct democracy. Yet in Switzerland, this direct democracy has reached its boundaries. Called for by the Swiss electorate, such constitutional amendments as the anti-minaret initiative contravene the basic principles of internationally recognized human rights conventions. The film explores the call for direct democracy regarding the limitations of such a political system.