Das Forum

Pass:Das Forum (D)
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ISAN: 0000-0005-076B-0000-3-0000-0000-S

Hot Docs Toronto 2020
IDFA Amsterdam 2019
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Das Forum
DE/CH 2019 115'

Regie: Marcus Vetter
Drehbuch: Marcus Vetter
Kamera: Georg Zengerling
Ton: Marcus Vetter
Schnitt: Marcus Vetter, André Nier, Ana R. Fernandes, Michele Gentile
Musik: Marcel Vaid
Produktion: Karin Koch, Dschoint Ventschr

Marcus Vetter 2019 115'

Marcus Vetter's new film tells from the inside perspective of the World Economic Forum how the world's business and political elites struggle to find solutions to the most pressing problems facing our planet. As a platform for the powerful, does the WEF provide a framework to positively influence the future of our planet? Or is it being misused by the elites to advance their own interests?