Dall’inferno al paradiso - Cesare Lucchini, pittore
CH 2016 45'
Regie: Vito Robbiani
Drehbuch: Vito Robbiani
Musik: Sandro Schneebelii
Produktion: mediaTREE

Pass:Dall’inferno al paradiso (I)
540p Italiano UT -
Pass:Von der Hölle ins Paradies (D)
540p Italiano UT Deutsch
Cesare Lucchini defines himself as a worker in painting. Early every morning he goes to his studio, gets changed and starts his work. Fifty years ago, he completed his studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and has never stopped painting since. His works speak to us of "what remains" after the havoc wrought by men on other men, but these visions are hidden by an aesthetic research and a "filter of light" that remind us more of paradise than of the hell of Soweto, of child soldiers, of black tides, of wars and migrant landings. He has just turned 75 and has a major exhibition in the pipeline: a retrospective at the Kunstmuseum in Bern.