
Pass:Brandnacht (D)
540p Deutsch UT -
Pass:Brandnacht (CH)
540p Schweizerdeutsch UT -

Unsere Filme im Streaming anschauen (Flat rate):

artfilm.pass 1
für 1 Tag 5 CHF
artfilm.pass 30
für 30 Tage 12 CHF
artfilm.pass 365
für 365 Tag 80 CHF


ISAN: 0000-0000-67CE-0000-O-0000-0000-2

Markus Fischer 1992 95'

Enquiries into the murder of a young woman take the private investigator Peter Keller to the idyllic village of Schwant in Emmental. But, the more entangled Keller gets in the treads of the apparently clearcut case of sex murder, the more obvious the flaws in the village idyll become. Keller's quest turns into a deadly mission.